About Personal Development

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Corlu, Tekirdağ, Türkiye
Hi! My name is Dena Jensen. I facilitate this webpage and my father and I write articles and share our beliefs on how we can change for the better. We hope that you will help us by discussing with us in our Topics we will be writing and joining our Online Conversations!

Monday, November 14, 2011


You are already, just by being here at this time, putting into action the first belief.  It is that change is good, even inevitable, so welcome it. It is important to understand that, like it or not, you are going to change. It is fruitless to resist and wise to accept the certainty of personal change for by so doing you can direct your self- change.

Some fear change and direct their energy in fighting the inevitable. They fail to notice that everything in this world is constantly changing. The stone on the street is weathering; the molecules in your blood are reproducing, combining, dying and transforming each minute. Your thoughts, perceptions, goals, and reactions to changing environments mean you are always in a process of becoming something new. Those who insecurely resist change to protect their ego or self concept are labeled as defensive by mental health professionals. They use the classical defense mechanisms that distort or deny truth and knowledge about who they are.

Those who seek, welcome, and accept change are considered to be open to new experience and place themselves in positions to grow and develop in healthy positive ways. But the important point for you to grasp is that by seeking change you can direct the change. You can be in charge of the changes to come in your life. Basically the inevitable certain changes will move you in either a positive or negative direction. By not resisting but accepting change you can constantly be moving in positive directions that you choose. .

It is never too late to change or grow. Even during advanced years we can become even a better person. As mentioned earlier, the fact that you are reading this indicates you have already moved towards seeking personal change, growth, and development.

So, what is the next thing to do? It is to answer the self-insight questions that will follow each short reading. Your answers or comments about each question will help you understand both the concept and yourself better. We hope you will share your responses to the self-insight questions with the others participating. Writing your response is seen as agreeing to share your responses with others. Please create another user name to remain anonymous. Make the answers short and put them in the spaces provided. There are no wrong answers, only your positive opinions and feelings are called for in order to promote positive change. When answering, give examples from your life or that of someone else. So please describe real life observations because they will be valuable to both you and those reading your responses.


1. How much do I seek, welcome, and accept personal change?

2. Have I seen how a changed belief can improve a person’s life?

3. Do I consider myself to be more of a finished product or forever changing?      

4. What might be reasons that will cause me to resist becoming a different person?

5. How can I change for the better without losing my core beliefs and values?

6. When, where, and why might I sometimes feel defensive about changing?

7. How can I direct and move my inevitable changing towards good and positive outcomes?

8. What is the single most important thing I have learned from the reading and self-insight questions?


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