About Personal Development

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Corlu, Tekirdağ, Türkiye
Hi! My name is Dena Jensen. I facilitate this webpage and my father and I write articles and share our beliefs on how we can change for the better. We hope that you will help us by discussing with us in our Topics we will be writing and joining our Online Conversations!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


In an information age you can immediately Google all kinds of information about self-change and personal growth. The information comes from professionals, testimonials product users, science, and reasoned opinions, to mention just a few sources available. You know from years of experience that it is beneficial to consider many sources. But in today’s world scientific information is valued most. Here you can find information about how to better communicate, solve problems, conduct a self analysis, increase memory, standup for yourself, control anger, self -medicate, and etc.

But there is one extremely important tool or source of truth and knowledge that is more important than all those listed above. It is how to directly know about good and bad, right and wrong. It is a way of knowing that has been used for centuries and widely and highly regarded today. The source for this valuable ability is your conscience. It is a belief imbedded in the United States Constitution and in many other legal statutes worldwide. It is expressed with these words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” It is the belief that the common man can be trusted to directly know and discern what is true. 

Notice also that our whole social system requires citizens to act in good faith following their conscience. You know what a person means when they say, “My conscience would not let me do that”, or “I listened to what my conscience had to say.” It is used all the time. A nation cannot be governed by laws alone nor can an individual. We need to  rely our conscience to be a complete person.
Now what does this mean for your self-development and becoming a better person? I think you will agree that should you succeed in every possible dimension of self improvement and do follow your conscience you will be of little value to yourself or others. You have all met powerful, rich, bright, or persons with great charm who you do not respect or like because they seem to lack a conscience. All self development is for nothing if you fail in being a person who is guided by a conscience.

Fortunately, all can develop this ability. Essentially it begins by believing you have a conscience, then listening, and finally by gaining experience in following your conscience.  


1. Do I  value people more when  they have a strong conscience?

2. Do I frequently have a feeling that something, or someone within me is telling me to do or not to do something?

3. Just what is conscience? Is it an entity inside of a person or a source of truth that comes from outside a person or both?

4. How do I feel when I act contrary to my conscience?

5.  Are feelings of freedom and happiness tied to following my conscience?

6. What can I do to increase the voice and role of conscience in my life?

7. What is the most important thing I have learned from this lesson and discussion?

1 comment:

  1. I have a Group on Facebook: Personal Development, Growth and Change. I have been posting the Beliefs every day and one of the members of the group said this:

    "Arian L. Mathews
    I DO value others with my like conscience, and I am weary of those who do not appear to care about the smaller seemingly less important things. I think a conscience is taught to us when we are young by example, and also developed personally as we get older. Living with integrity helps my conscience stay strong, and yes, when I make a conscious choice of what I feel is right, I do feel good about it. Whenever we stick to our truth, even if it is not anothers truth it is very freeing and feels good. From this I have been reminded that I value my.conscience,.and to always remember that true freedom and happiness comes from being my true self. :-)
    2 hours ago via mobile"

    What are your ideas on her comment?
