Professor Jensen has taught at the following universities:
- Michigan State University
- State University of New York at Potsdam
- Brigham Young University at Provo
- Brigham Young University at Hawaii
- Utah State University
- Research for Better Schools
- Journal of Child Development
- Psychological Reports and Perceptual Motor Skills
- Family Research Center Brigham Young University
- Provo and Salt Lake City Public Schools
- Institute for Population Studies Exeter England
His books include the following:
- What’s Right What’s Wrong
- Understanding and Using Social Influence Techniques
- That’s Not Fair
- Moral Reasoning: A Philosophical and Psychological Integration
- Responsibility and Morality
- Feelings: Helping Children Understand Emotions
- History of Moral Education
- Stepping Into Step-Parenting
- Adolescence
- Parenting: An Applied Textbook
- Family Feminism
- Families: The Key to a Prosperous and Compassionate Society in the 21st Century
He has published multiple scholarly articles in the following journals:
- Psychological Reports
- Utah Personnel and Guidance Association Research Bulletin
- Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology
- Journal of Genetic Psychology
- British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
- Journal of Moral Education
- Education
- Educational and Psychological Measurement
- Psychology in the Schools
- Sex Roles
- Journal of Psychology
- Adolescence
- International Journal of Social Psychiatry
- Youth and Society
- Journal for the Scientific Study or Religion
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Family Perspectives
- Journal of Personality Assessment
- American Educational Research Journal
- Addictive Behaviors
- Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology
- Journal of Research and Development in Education
- Family Therapy
- Religion and Public Education
- The Family in America
- Youth and Adolescence
- International Journal for the Psychology of Religion