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Corlu, Tekirdağ, Türkiye
Hi! My name is Dena Jensen. I facilitate this webpage and my father and I write articles and share our beliefs on how we can change for the better. We hope that you will help us by discussing with us in our Topics we will be writing and joining our Online Conversations!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Welcoming Change To Choose Who You Will Be

It is now a pleasure to propose an action that surely will be considered positive

Luke, to whom you have already been introduced, was more than a little resntful that age was forcing him to change. He liked who he was better than the vision of the man he was to be in the future. But, Luke was intelligent to know that it is fruitless to fight the natural course of life so he accepted the fact tht he was never going to be the man he used to be. 

The happy part of this seemingly sad story is that there is a happy ending for Luke.
It was, for Luke a surprisinly happy ending. While he continued to go downhill, he found he was becoming happier. "How could this be?", he thougt. "I'm worse but happier." The easiest part to understand about this strange situation was that Luke didin't have to be so perfect. He didn't have to hide or disguise his increasing mistakes and small failures. He even realized that if he ever had a large failure he could even survive that. Actually it was a little exciting to become more fallible man than not having to be the same super person he was known to be. 

The best part however, was the reaction of his wife and children. How could he have known they actually now liked him more when he was not so perfect? They said he seemed relaxed and was able to laugh more or at least, laugh at himself

It might seem paradoxical, but perhaps those who most are satisfied with their present identity are also those who most welcome change in their identity. 
The truth of this may be seen in the converse where those who have disstatisfaction with their present identity seem to be those who are most defensive and protective of themselves and most fearful of change. 
 However, how much you want to change is an important question for it does have direct applications for what will happen to you in your relationships. If you don't want to change then it is likely that your eventual change will be different than what you want even though you may try to prevent it. 
But, if you welcome change in your identity, then you can have a more active role in determining the direction and amount of change. Remember, whether you like it or not, you will change. 

   The essential point of all this is that by welcoming change, you have a better chance in participating and creating your future identity which will of course, be different anyway than what it is today. These considerations may influence your answer to how much you do welcome, accept, and want personal change.       

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