Let me explain what we are doing.
We are a Self Instructional Program and that means that we are completely relying on you, as a person of action, to come onto our site when we have a new Seminar, or Course. We ask you contribute to our discussions and participate in our reading and answering our questions. You do not have to do it when we are online, you can do it in the comfort of your home and at your convenience. We ask you to read the First Belief before the First Session, the Second Belief before the Second Session, etc.We will then discuss the questions we present. We welcome anyone to participate, and welcome comments. The questions for now are the posts in the grey after the Session. Answering them the day of the Session will be in the Comments for now. We have a live Chat room above the picture of Dena Jensen, it says, "Our Chat Room". When Dena or Larry are online we can chat with you, or you can chat with others that are discussing the same thing. Thanks for stopping by and please join our discussions, we love to hear from you!
We are a Self Instructional Program and that means that we are completely relying on you, as a person of action, to come onto our site when we have a new Seminar, or Course. We ask you contribute to our discussions and participate in our reading and answering our questions. You do not have to do it when we are online, you can do it in the comfort of your home and at your convenience. We ask you to read the First Belief before the First Session, the Second Belief before the Second Session, etc.We will then discuss the questions we present. We welcome anyone to participate, and welcome comments. The questions for now are the posts in the grey after the Session. Answering them the day of the Session will be in the Comments for now. We have a live Chat room above the picture of Dena Jensen, it says, "Our Chat Room". When Dena or Larry are online we can chat with you, or you can chat with others that are discussing the same thing. Thanks for stopping by and please join our discussions, we love to hear from you!
The Beliefs
- Seek, Welcome, and Accept Change
- I Am More Than Brain and Body
- I Am Not Determined By My Past
- I Can Directly Know What Is True and Good
- Development Flows From How I Live With Others
- I Am Personally Responsible For Being Lovable, Worthwhile, Happy, and Belonging
- Always Choose, “What Is The Good Thing To Do”